Beyond Business as Usual: The Transformative Potential of Social Entrepreneurship

In a world where profit often reigns supreme, a growing movement is emerging — one that blends business acumen with a passionate commitment to societal change. The movement is social entrepreneurship, and similarly to impact and ESG investing, the traditional models of profit-driven enterprises are no longer the sole focus of entrepreneurs and investors. Social…

Evolving Trends in Philanthropy: What Modern Philanthropy Looks Like

“The rallying cry for philanthropy to change has been resounding and gaining momentum over the past few years. It comes from non-profit leaders, academics, the general public, and… from those engaged in the philanthropic sector itself.” (Alberg-Seberich & Ganji, 2023)The Viewpoint Foundation has been supporting causes in Calgary and across Canada since 2002. Since then,…

ESG Investing: What Is It, and Does It Work?

Last month in Invested, we got into “impact investing.” This month, we tackle ESG investing. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they have a few notable differences that we will explore, along with the ins and outs of what ESG investing is and why it is experiencing pushback. Understanding ESG Investing ESG investing is a strategy…