Recovery Cafes: Nurturing Mental Wellness Through Connection

Last year, I wrote a series of articles on the programs and approaches that the Viewpoint Foundation champions within the mental health sector. This month, I’m taking a closer look at one of these initiatives: the Recovery Café. This community-based program, which offers an alternative to emergency departments (EDs) for people in crisis, has been…

Maximizing Impact: Ensuring Your Multi-Year Donations Keep Their Value

I recently spoke with an associate from a charitable organization supported by Viewpoint Foundation, who introduced me to the concept of multi-year donations that account for inflation. The current rising costs of living, rent, and utilities impact non-profit organizations just as much as the individuals they strive to assist. Shelter costs in Canada for example…

Trust-Based Philanthropy: Redefining the Dynamics of Giving

Last month, we delved into “strategic philanthropy,” where funds are allocated based on predefined goals and monitored outcomes. However, the philanthropic sector has recently undergone a transformative shift with the emergence of trust-based philanthropy. This innovative approach redefines the traditional donor-recipient relationship, placing a strong emphasis on mutual respect, transparency, and long-term collaboration. In a…

Philanthropy’s Corporate Makeover: Strategy in Charity

Effective giving is its own unique discipline because it typically involves addressing the very challenges that have defied market or government solutions. (Buchanan, Giving Done Right, 2019)In previous issues of Invested, we have explored the intersection of business and philanthropy. From social enterprises and impact investing to ethical consumerism, we’ve seen philanthropic efforts increasingly adopting…

The Ethical Consumer’s Conundrum

When talking about social entrepreneurship in last month’s issue of Invested, the concept of “ethical consumerism” kept popping up. But what exactly is ethical consumerism, and is it even possible in today’s labyrinthine world of global supply chains and often greenwashed corporate promises? What is Ethical Consumerism? At its core, ethical consumerism is a commitment to making…

Beyond Business as Usual: The Transformative Potential of Social Entrepreneurship

In a world where profit often reigns supreme, a growing movement is emerging — one that blends business acumen with a passionate commitment to societal change. The movement is social entrepreneurship, and similarly to impact and ESG investing, the traditional models of profit-driven enterprises are no longer the sole focus of entrepreneurs and investors. Social…

Supporting De-Escalation: Strategies for Managing Emerging Mental Health Crises

This month, we are diving into the final area of the mental health care sector in which Viewpoint Foundation wants to make headway: supports for de-escalation. Emerging mental health crises can be challenging to navigate, both for the individuals experiencing them and those around them. However, with the right support and strategies, it is possible to…

Optimizing Emergency Departments for Mental Health Patients

Last month we explored the first of the three areas of crisis care that Viewpoint Foundation wants to make headway in – diverting patients away from emergency rooms and into community-based care. This month we will look at who needs to be in the ER and how their experience can be better suited to their…

The Role of Community-Based Respite Care for Mental Health Patients

As we have been discussing this year in Invested, mental health is an integral aspect of overall well-being, and the need for comprehensive support systems has never been more apparent. Last month, we discussed crisis care in the mental health sector. In this issue, we are diving a little deeper into the first of the…

Crisis Care in the Mental Health Sector

In keeping with our theme from October’s issue of Invested, we continue discussing Viewpoint Foundation’s vision of mental health care. We believe in having equal access to humane, compassionate, and competent supports, regardless of the nature of the crisis, and we aim to reduce harmful outcomes of mental health crises for individuals, families, and communities. We see…